The weaving of these two is done so as to deliver square check designs on the subsequent texture. It is these square examples which make this texture one of its own sorts. Furthermore, Kota Doria has been known everywhere throughout the world for its best open weaving make. Truth be told, it has assumed control over all the positive characteristics of both the textures Cotton and Silk. Kota Doria has a similar quality as Cotton and same hypnotizing radiance and non-abrasiveness as silk. The expansion of silk additionally makes this texture straightforward which thusly makes a very light-weight and breathable texture. What's more, that, thus, makes it the most positive texture for summers.

At first, just Sarees and Dupattas were made out of Kota Doria. Be that as it may, presently numerous types it is utilized for a wide range of apparel like dresses, tops, scarves, and home decorations. The most recent pattern is the utilization of old Kota Doria sarees as Curtains which spares you on your pocket additionally and furthermore causes you to upcycle your exhausted sarees.